Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 51: I Am Not a Delicate Lotus Flower

I decided tonight that enough is enough--I need to stop being a wimp about my knee and actually do some of the recommended poses like warrior 1, 2, and 3. I'd put off doing them because I can barely hobble across the room, let alone make my knee a focal, load-bearing point on my body. But I'm tired of having a screwed up knee and I'm hoping this will help.

I did the A series as a warm up to start my practice and was pleasantly surprised to find that I can almost straighten my legs again in standing forward bend. Now my knees are only slightly bent, as opposed to basically being in a squat. My downward facing dog is better today, too, although I did need to alternately bend my knees a little to loosen up and deepen my stretch. Because I had this song stuck in my head, I bent my knees to the beat of "Uptown Funk" by Mark Ronson, feat. Bruno Mars.

This is the catchiest song in existence.
If anyone disagrees, I will fight you.

I'm pretty sure that's not a traditionally "serious yoga" song but oh well. When I'm doing yoga, a lot of times I feel pressured (by myself) to be a serene, enlightened yogi. You know, the kind that only drinks herbal tea and listens to tribal flute music and is constantly consumed by inner peace.

I am not a delicate lotus flower.

I need to get over that. I put too much pressure on myself to attain some kind of ideal persona that I set up in my head. Instead, I should just be excited that I did all three warriors without crying. Actually, my knee felt pretty good. It went back to feeling awful as soon as I pulled myself out of savasana but we'll see what it's like tomorrow. It should magically be healed after one day of trying to rehab it, right?


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