Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 67: Made It on the Mat

I almost didn't do yoga today. My son is sick (hopefully just a reaction to a shot he got a couple days ago) so it's been a day of high fevers and vomit.

I'm goint to omit posting any related pictures because ew.

I decided it was important I get on my mat for a few minutes, especially since I missed two days already in this challenge (albeit for good reason). I kept my practice simple and did three sun salutaitons (at night as usual) followed by a few of my other favorites: cat and cow, squat, pigeon, etc. I noticed in pigeon tonight that I was able to bend my back a bit more. I'm starting to see a little bit of the back wall so I'm figuring that it's only a matter of time before I can kick myself in the head like I want.

This post isn't terribly in depth tonight but honestly, neither was my practice. I still consider it a success for getting on my mat though, some days are just going to be more productive than others.

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