Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 66: Proceed with Caution

Despite its crinkling tendencies from yesterday, I was surprised to find my shoulder didn't hurt at all like I expected. All the same, I decided to only focus on poses that didn't put any pressure on my shoulder. My only exceptions were cat and cow pose but as I was on all fours, my knees and my other shoulder took a lot of pressure off my Edelman shoulder.

Do you know what happens if you don't bend the brim of your hat?
The terrorists win.

I could have done more standing poses like the warriors or triangle pose but as I once again did my yoga practice before bed, I decided to focus on mostly seated poses. I also did a few poses to stretch out my side body which I apparently really need as my sides were horrendously tight.

I seem to say that a lot.

So far so good with the shoulder . . . maybe tomorrow I'll actually feel confident enough to put some pressure on my shoulder in downward facing dog or something.

Maybe not.

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