Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 65: Joints Aren't Supposed to Crinkle . . . Right?

This post is going to be short like my practice tonight. Things were going well and I was stretching out all the kinks in my back. Then, I transitioned from downward facing dog back to plank. All was fine until I lowered myself to the ground. My Edelman shoulder made a horrible noise, like crinkling plastic.

That's right, everything is your fault.
It didn't exactly hurt, per se, but it now feels weird. I finished up my practice after that with a couple poses that didn't involve putting any pressure on my shoulder. Now, I'm typing this with a shoulder that feels off while I curse Julian Edelman because I literally don't know what else to do right now

Soooo . . . I guess I'll see how my shoulder feels in the morning? Joints aren't supposed to crinkle . . . right?

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