Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 7: Child's Pose is Not for the Weak

At about 11pm, I realized I'd forgotten to do my yoga for the day--is anyone noticing a pattern? I'm just wrapping up my first week and I'm already nearly missing my yoga. I mean, sure, I've got a whole list of excuses. I have a baby, the housework has been piling up, and then there's work. I'm a freelancer which means I can make my own schedule--yay! But it also means that there are times I'm working several time-sensitive assignments and/or I'm glued to the job boards waiting to bid on available assignments.


I got in just under the wire although I hate to do yoga like that. But I figure any time spent on my mat is better than no time at all. I made sure to take a few breaths and put myself in a relaxed, more meditative state before I began and I did my best to clear my mind of all the work junk that's been swirling around in there. As usual, I started with a few cycles of the Ashtanga A series.

Sigh, I know.

I wanted to focus on stretching out my back since I've been hunched over my laptop all day. Cat and cow felt INCREDIBLE for my spine. I could've done an entire hour of just those but then it hit me how tired I am. I did some more floor work including a few different twists as I've been told that those are great to do before bed to aid digestion by giving your organs a little squeeze.

"Am I doin' it right?"

I also did some half pigeon which is one of my favorite poses. I like to rest for a moment in child's pose between each side and today, I'm slightly embarrassed to admit, child's pose kicked my ass. You know, that pose that's named after children because it's so easy children can do it. It's like having my 10 month old son out-yoga me when it comes to happy baby pose (which admittedly he does every day). My back felt so strained and tight in child's pose and I loved it even though it was probably the hardest pose I did today. It was one of those "hurts so good" moments.

This guy gets it.

I think I need to take a moment tomorrow morning and evaluate the way I want to practice yoga. I don't like leaving it for the nighttime even though there is something relaxing about stretching out all my stress from the day. But it makes me feel rushed, like I'm trying to cram in my daily practice before my deadline. Perhaps I need to aim for doing my practice during my son's morning nap. Whatever I decide, it's going to have to wait until morning. I'm exhausted and in danger of dozing off while I type.

Plus, my toe still hurts. I'm not sure if anyone reading this is super interested in the state of my toe, but it's still swollen and has developed a gnarly looking bruise. My husband thinks I might've dislocated it when I cracked it on the bed frame on Saturday night. It bends okay and doesn't feel like it's broken so maybe if I did dislocate it, it's popped back into place? Oh, who knows--all I know is that it still hurts but not as much as it did yesterday. At least it doesn't feel like it's affecting my yoga practice so at least there's that.


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