Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 14: Diving Headfirst into Yoga

I decided to push myself a little in my practice tonight. It's very tempting to just do poses that I love and that feel awesome but I'm not going to improve by just doing the easier stuff.

OMG, guys, I am so freaking good at yoga. I can hold this pose for hours.

My legs aren't very strong so I decided to push myself to do warrior 1 and 2. About 0.05 seconds in, my legs were screaming for me to stop. It took a moment, but I was able to refocus my mind on my breath and hold the pose for a couple breaths longer than I thought I would. I mean sure, I felt like I was going to collapse but I did it.

I also had a small accomplishment today, and not just because I was able to get into wheel again.

For about two seconds, I was able to do crow pose! Here's a great demonstration photo from

I wish I had fancier yoga tights.
I'm assuming that's the key to better poses.

Of course, after I successfully got up and balanced, I fell forward the smacked my head on my bed. If you've been reading this blog, it's the same bed that I cracked my toe on last week (which, by the way, still hurts. A lot).

"Pity party, table for one?"

Even though I'm pretty sure I can smell colors after taking that hit to the head, I'm feeling pretty good. Maybe Julian Edelman and I can hang out with our matching concussions.


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