Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 10: Peak Physical Condition

Earlier today, I went to plug in my laptop and manage to tweak my shoulder. That's about half a step above choking on your own spit--nothing else makes you feel quite like you belong at the top of the food chain. It's also like professional athletes who can do these amazing feats of athleticism but then slip in the tub and give themselves a concussion. At least, that's what I'm assuming happened because I don't have an explanation for why a certain wide receiver for the Patriots was fine on Sunday and then was suddenly questionable with a concussion by Wednesday's practice.

God dammit, Edelman, it's playoff season in my fantasy league!
My shoulder bothered my a little bit during my practice but wasn't the most painful spot on my body. I think it's pretty well established that I love my Ashtanga A series but today I opted to do something different. I found a series of poses for sleep on (since I'm still doing yoga at night) and decided to do that to mix it up a bit. 

Click here for the series I did.
FYI, my face was not that serene.

When I did lizard pose (pictured above), my body had the anticipated reaction of, "OMG WTF R U DOING?!?!?!" 

Apparently I'm a teenage girl.

Actually, I had that reaction a few times. I noticed a lot of tightness in my back tonight and my favorite pose (other than savasana at the end) was actually the forward bend. I tried holding my elbows like this sequence suggested even though I normally don't and I have to say--it felt so freaking good. By holding my elbows, it made my top half more like a weight which really stretched out my upper back which felt GLORIOUS. The cold makes my back muscles seize up and it's been snowing all day. That, plus working on my computer and my really graceful plugging-in-my-laptop move (which shall be henceforth known as "Edelman-ing") makes for me wanting to spend my whole practice in a forward bend.

I am so freaking good at yoga.

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