Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 20: Sick Sucks

I'm still feeling under the weather so I kept my practice short and simple tonight. I started with hero's pose, which I'm quite excited to even be able to do. It's simple but in the past, my feet had a tendency to cramp quickly. Here's a great demonstration photo from

My internal monologue:
I moved through a bunch of my regulars: cat and cow, cobbler's pose, reclining cobbler, and downward dog (which my sinuses instantly regretted). I also did what I believe is called extended cat pose. Here's a photo from

My balance was, initially, a little more "iffy" than this picture.

I could really feel this one in my abs which initially felt awesome but then I remembered that I might've overworked my stomach yesterday which could've led to me feeling so sick last night. I did it for a few breaths on each side but then I moved to staff pose and then to cobbler's pose, reclined cobbler, and savasana.

I joke but I managed to not fall asleep this time. I'm glad I got on my mat but honestly, my head feels like crap. I'm congested, my face feels like it's constantly leaking, and I keep almost sneezing and then I don't. It's like a perpetual case of blue balls for my nose.

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Here's a kitten and puppy instead.

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