Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 13:Wheel in the Sky Keeps on . . . Hurting?

It's been a day. My son has been sick and in between talking to his transplant coordinator and cleaning vomit off of everything, it's been a long day. Normally football makes me really happy but there's a chance I'm going to lose my matchup this week because a certain wide receiver for the Patriots is out.

Not that I ever expect you to read this but if you are, Julian, I yell because I care.
And I really want to win my fantasy matchup.
But in all seriousness, I've been a bit of a stress ball today. I was looking forward to yoga as a way to clear my head a bit and it really did help. I've noticed that in worrying about my son not feeling well, I've stopped taking care of myself. I'm not sleeping, I'm surviving off coffee and worry, and I don't remember to eat unless my husband reminds me. Honestly, if it weren't for this blog, I don't think I'd be doing anything positive for myself.

Coffee is my frenemy.

In my practice tonight, I started with my usual A series and decided to work on some hip openers. I tried lizard pose which went really well on the right wide but my left hip was super tight, like it needed to pop. I wanted to push it a little but I was afraid I would dislocate it.

You laugh, but it's happened before.

I did several other poses but my big accomplishment came from doing wheel pose. Here's a picture from that illustrates it well:

Although she's far more serene than I'd expect based on my own experience.

I haven't been able to do this since I was a kid so I was pretty excited. Side note: does anyone else remember being a kid and essentially being made out of rubber? I used to be able to do wheel pose, the splits, whatever I felt like. Now I'm a stiff old lady at 27.

But I digress. I managed to get into wheel pose and stay there for a couple breaths before my body insisted I stop immediately. I did some reclined cobbler's pose and decided to try wheel pose again to make sure I'd actually done it and hadn't just hallucinated that I'd done it as a result of drinking too much coffee today.

I'm sure it's the planet.

The second time I got into wheel pose, my body didn't react as favorably as it did the first time. I re-tweaked my Edelman shoulder and my body reacted like this:

It's like Matthew Inman from The Oatmeal knows me.

It was all I could do to not crash down on my head. I decided at that point I should move on to savasana before doing something else dumb--but there's always tomorrow.

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