Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 50: Hey Look, a Milestone!

As you will soon see, the milestone is just in the day, not in my practice.

Last night was a long night. I know I often complain on here about long days but my son was up a lot last night and I was so exhausted I fell asleep at my desk while I was working today . . . a couple times.

Good thing I work from home.

I looked up some yoga poses for knee injuries as I am still unable to walk without wincing in pain. A lot of them involve putting a lot of weight on my knee which I'm sure is good from a physical therapy standpoint. However, it doesn't sound too good from an "I'm lazy and don't like pain" standpoint.

I kept my practice really basic tonight and did a few of my usual suspects: downward facing dog, plank, pigeon, etc. Sitting in hero's pose was actually really nice on my knee which was kind of surprising. But then again, I'm exhausted--it doesn't take much to impress me today.

Wait, what was I talking about?

Here's hoping I'm able to get some more rest tonight so I can make it through a full yoga practice without needing a nap.

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