Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 39: Shoulder Rehab

Tonight I decided to get serious about my shoulder and before I started, I looked up some poses recommended for my shoulder. Incidentally, they were all poses that looked like they'd be incredibly painful on my Edelman shoulder.

I feel like I should call an exorcist.

Nevertheless, I decided to go for them. My shoulder is shot anyway so I figured, why not? During my investigation of demonic possession poses that might help my shoulder, I read that a lot of shoulder pain in yoga can come from improper weight distribution, especially during the more basic poses like downward facing dog. Keeping this in mind, I tried to pay extra attention to keeping my weight even. The bulk of my practice was focused on the shoulder rehab poses I found including fish pose (pictured above, also known as the Linda Blair), bridge pose, and upward facing plank pose, as demonstrated in this photo from

So to fix my shoulder I just need to dislocate it?

Upward facing plank pose actually felt pretty phenomenal on my shoulder which just goes to show that yoga defies all logic. I'm sure there's some physiological reason as to why it helps my shoulder but frankly, I'm feeling a little too lazy to look that up at the moment. All I know is I found something on the internet and copied it at home unsupervised and it worked out.

Lucky me!

I'm also continuing my quest to achieve king pigeon. Since I don't have any mirrors nearby while I'm doing my yoga practice, I'm assuming I'm making progress based on the fact that my back doesn't feel quite as locked up as it did a week ago. I'm sure I think I look like this . . .

Just kidding, I can't touch my foot.

. . . when I actually look like this:

I'm pretty sure I often look like this.

We'll see tomorrow what my shoulder feels like. Hopefully there's an improvement but if not, I always know who to blame.

I was going to post a picture of Julian Edelman
but I found this hilariously awkward photo of Tom Brady instead.

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