Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 56: Back to Basics

Well, as predicted, I didn't get around to doing a yoga video today.

I know, right?

My knee still feels like death so I decided to focus my practice on downward facing dog and plank pose. I feel like sometimes I get so caught up in trying to achieve king pigeon (my knee still really hurt doing that tonight, by the way) that I lose focus of the basic poses and their importance. I feel like I said this the other day but tonight I really focused on those two basics. In doing that, I discovered two things:

1. My heels are almost able to touch the floor in downward facing dog.
2. If I lower myself to the floor from plank pose, I apparently have zero arm strength.

Just to emphasize what a weakling I am, here's another picture for emphasis:

I also spent a lot of time in cobbler's pose because that one I can actually do without whimpering . . . which is sort of turning into a theme for my yoga practice.

My first world problems are hard.

On a completely unrelated note, did anyone else see the Disneyland commercial featuring Julian Edelman? I think it was supposed to feature all of the Patriots after their Super Bowl win so that people will stop associating Disneyland with measles. Instead, it turned into a montage of Edelman's greatest plays from the Super Bowl.

I'm keeping you in my fantasy league, Edelman. I swear to God, if you give yourself a concussion on the teacup ride, I WILL FIND YOU.

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