Saturday, May 30, 2015

Old Lady Yoga: Week 2

Last week, I wrote about how old lady yoga kicked my ass. At the invitation of my mother-in-law, I went back to the same class today and this time, the class didn't necessarily kick my ass but it still smacked me in the face.

Can we all just take a moment to look at the smug smile on the ref's face?

Last week, I could feel right away that I was going to be incredibly sore and I definitely was--I spent a few days hobbling around which was interesting considering I have a baby and my home office is on the second floor of the house. Now, my muscles feel exhausted but not painful which feels good but the real test will be if I'm able to get out of bed tomorrow morning.

Overall, I feel like the class went well for me. We did five each of the A and B series and my plank pose didn't start to collapse until round 2 or 3 of the B series.

I will take whatever victory I can.

My mother-in-law told me that my warrior 1 looked great which made me feel really good since I felt so stiff going into class today. Apparently having my home office upstairs and needing to go up and down the stairs 30 times a day has been helping to give me some leg strength.

The Oatmeal and I have something in common.

The most difficult pose for me was definitely downward facing dog. I felt almost homicidal as a result of my legs and my shoulders aching but, as the yoga instructor said, downward facing dog is a great diagnostic pose and I fully agree. My need for the pose is directly proportional to how much rage I feel while doing it.
Look, science agrees with me.

Overall, I'm glad I went. I like going to this particular class and I'm hoping to go more in the future. Perhaps by the next time I go, I'll actually enjoy downward facing dog.

Or not.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 2 (Again): Listening to My Body

After getting my butt kicked in class yesterday, I didn't want to lose my enthusiasm for restarting my yoga practice. However, my body seems to disagree as I have been hobbling around all day.

Doing laundry has been interesting.

Thinking about when I practiced yoga before, I noticed that I didn't really listen to my body. I pushed my Edelman shoulder too hard, I delayed rehabbing my knee, and I generally didn't give my body a chance to heal after a particularly strenuous practice. I want to learn from my mistakes to make my practice stronger as I go forward.

With that in mind, I opted instead to focus on meditation today. I sat in cobbler's pose so I could at least technically call it yoga and for ten minutes, I just focused on ujjayi breathing. I've always found the ocean very relaxing and doing the "ocean breath" helped quiet my mind. For at least a few minutes of my meditation, my gaze was so focused inward that I wasn't aware of all my physical aches and pains.

Lifting my arm this high makes me want to cry.

Day 1 (Again): Old Lady Yoga Kicked My Ass

I debated with myself about how to label this post in terms of what day of yoga I'm on. I did over 70 days of consecutive yoga but I stopped when my son was in the hospital and never restarted. In terms of his project, I'm technically continuing it but after a three month hiatus, it seemed more appropriate to start over but this time I'm going in with more knowledge about my limitations and how yoga makes me feel.

Yesterday, my mother-in-law invited me to a yoga class she was going to be leading. She knows about my lapsed yoga challenge and that I've been wanting to get back into it. My mother-in-law told me that the class was full of older women--not challenging, she said, but it'd get me back on my mat. As my body has atrophied into that of a 90-year-old since I paused my challenge, I thought the class sounded like it'd be just my speed.

Let's do this!

What I forgot about yoga is that it's not exclusively a young person's sport. For every 19-year-old in Lululemon pants, there's a yoga practitioner who looks like this:

"Suck on this, AARP."

To make myself feel better, I'm telling myself the class was hard because I haven't done yoga in three months but OH MY GOD EVERYTHING HURTS.

Nope, can't get up today.
I'll be an adult tomorrow.

When the class started, I felt proud of myself that I was successfully doing five circuits of the Ashtanga A series. I wasn't collapsing when I lowered myself down from plank pose and even though my legs weren't as straight as they used to be during the forward fold, I felt like I was still doing well. Then when we moved on to the B series, my shoulders started to give out during plank pose and I discovered that my Edelman shoulder is still a thing.

You son of a bitch.

On the plus side, I received compliments on my locust pose so at least I was able to do a good job in something other than savasana.

I'm apparently really good at being a bug.

I'm planning on doing a little yoga later but I'm going to have to be mindful of my shoulders . . . and my back . . . and my hips . . . and my legs . . .

Can I do a whole practice of just savasana?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Update: I'm Still Here! I Promise!

I promise, I haven't forgotten about this blog or my yoga challenge!

But if I had, it would be this guy's fault.

After my son was hospitalized, I took a hiatus from this blog in order to take time to focus on him. He's been sick on and off and he's needed some extra love from his mom. However, he's doing better so I'm aiming to start my challenge back up again (although I suppose it's going to be more of 365 non-consecutive days of yoga rather than a year of daily practice--unless I extend it. But one thing at a time). Before I do though, I wanted to post an update on how I've been without daily yoga.

In a word: yuck.

Physically: EVERYTHING HURTS. My muscles are stiff, my back is out of alignment, and I feel like every day I discover new aches and pains. Sure, I had the occasional sore day while doing yoga but overall I felt better.

Exhaustion: I am so freaking tired and not just because I have a baby. I had more energy when I was doing yoga . . . right? Exhaustion makes it difficult to remember my own name.

Mentally: My brain fog has been particularly bad. This could be due to how tired I've been but I've been having a hard time focusing.

I keep thinking of that quote about how it's important to spend ten minutes a day in meditation but if you don't have ten minutes, sit for an hour. Basically those who think they don't have time need more . . . I think. I'm excited to get back into daily yoga . . . right after I take a ten minute hour long nap.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Days 77-79: Inpatient

My challenge is temporarily on hiatus while my son is in the hospital. He'll still be here for a couple more days and if I'm feeling up to it, I might try and look up some poses that don't involve getting on the floor because hospital floors are just about one of the most disgusting things I can think of. But if not, I'll get back into my daily practice once he's discharged and we're home. At that point, I'm definitley going to need some yoga so it'll be great to get back into it.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 75: Nine

When I woke up this morning, my abs were sorer than they've been in a long time. Probably because I avoid doing boat pose at any cost.

Because I feel like yesterday's practice might have done something, I decided to keep pushing the plank pose during today's practice. It was harder to do today due to my sore muscles but it was good sore, not "I'm gonna die" sore.

I also had kind of an exciting moment today. Tonight, I weighed myself for the first time in I don't know how long and I am only nine pounds above my pre-baby weight. I know staring at numbers on a scale is shallow but BOO-YA!!!!!!

I'm going to go to bed before I embarrass myself further.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 74: My Arms Are Already Sore

Since I'm still feeling a little resentful towards dolphins today, I decided instead to focus on regular plank pose tonight. As a result, my arms are already a little sore as I type this which really bodes well for how I'll feel in the morning.

                                                                  Stupid mornings.

My hips started out kind of tight but by the end of my practice, I noticed they were much looser. The left side is definitely worse than the right and my mid to lower back muscles were really painful. Stretching out my side body helped but I was a little concerned by how much they hurt. I have a long, loooooooong history of back problems but I don't know, maybe now that I'm starting to wake up these muscles they are rebelling.

Who knows. No matter the reason, I'll continue to punish my body with yoga.

                                                                      Stupid yoga.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 73: Dolphins are Sadists

Aside from my usual suspects, I focused a lot on dolphin pose tonight. When I did it, I stayed in for eight breaths which might not sound like a lot but every muscle in my body, my arms especially, was screaming.


I'm too lazy for most workouts and the only heavy lifting I do is when I repeatedly pick up my son (who, in all fairness, is getting heavier by the day). Plank and its variations might be one of my yoga practice's strongest assets when it comes to making me stronger. Plus I want to focus a little more on my arms; I've been a little self-conscious about them ever since I gave birth to my son.

I also noticed tonight in cobbler's pose that my hips were ridiculously tight. Probably because I've been so lazy about my practice lately.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 72: Shorty in the Club

This post is going to be super short. I did yoga tonight but there are only so many posts I can do on this blog saying that I did the same poses day in and day out. But even though I'm pretty sure I only have one reader and it's my husband, I still wanted to post today to keep up my accontability. 

I came. I saw. I yoga'd.

                                            I also saw this and it made me giggle.
                              Julian, you get a night off from me making fun of you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 71: Adulting is Hard

My body wasn't quite as tight today as it was yesterday which was encouraging but my whole practice was kind of overshadowed by how dehydrated I felt. I recently stopped breastfeeding my son and without another person being directly affected by what I consumed, my own eating and hydration habits have gone somewhat downhill. I also recentlyl started a new job and I tend to get very absorbed in my work. All of these are just excuses that all lead up to the conclusion that I forget to eat or drink water with any kind of regularity that is necessary for sustaining life.

                               Now I must rely solely on my irritation to sustain me.

During this year of yoga challenge, I had hoped to adopt some healthier habits . . . forgetting to drink water doesn't exactly fall under that umbrella. 

                                               Being a responsible, healthy adult is hard.

On the upside, I feel like I'm back to making progress towards king pigeon although I noticed that I feel like I'm able to do more of a backbend when my left leg is behind me as opposed to my right. I don't know if the right side of my body is just tighter or what, but I have a feeling that my left foot will kick me in the head first.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 70: Everything is Awful

Day 70--another milestone!

I wish I could be more positive about my practice tonight but apparently my body is not very forgiving after a couple days of half-assing my practice and then a night off. Basically, everything was awful. My back was awful, my knee was awful, my hips were awful, and my Edelman shoulder was, as expected awful.

I did the A series and a couple san salutations as a warmup and every part of my body was painfully tight. I decided I hadn't had enough punishment so I did a few of my other go to poses like pigeon and cobbler's pose. As expected, everything hurt.

On the plus side, yesterday I was able to wear an outfit comprised entirely of pre-baby colothes--not a single maternity item in sight! Sure, everything is still a little snug but I can wear them without worrying about anything rippig if I fully exhale. I think the yoga is helping! Either that or the fact that I keep forgetting to eat. 

Whyy not both?

So faar in this challenge, I've taken three days off (all of them in the last two weeks). Overall, I feel like yoga is benefitting me in a couple different ways. The most exciting (read: narcissistic) way is of course the way my clothes are fitting. I feel like I sleep better after doing yoga (until my son kicks me in the head to wake me up) and on most days, I feel better being able to stretch all the kinks out of my muscles after a day of hunching over my laptop.

My point? Yoga=good. I'd be more articulate but I'm preoccupied with how much my muscles hurt. Hopefully my body decides to be more forgiving tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 69: SNL

Tonight I opened a bottle of wine with my husband and we watched the "Saturday Night Live" 40th anniversary special. Yoga just isn't happening today.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 68: Sleep Deprivation + Dehydration = :-(


My son has been sick which translates to all of us not getting any sleep. On top of that, I'm pretty sure I'm really dehydrated. All of this adds up to me feeling pretty sick today which does not add up to a good yoga practice. I mostly just sat in half lotus on worked on my posture and opening up my shoulders. I tried to expand my practice past that to stretch out my side body but I soon felt like I was going to throw up so I went back to sitting in lotus.

I'd like to be more productive today with yoga but I think I just need to go drink a glass of water and go to bed. My son is currently sleeping so I would like to take advantage of that. My goal is to hopefully do better in my practice tomorrow. You know, branch out past two or three poses. But maybe that's jut crazy talk . . .

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 67: Made It on the Mat

I almost didn't do yoga today. My son is sick (hopefully just a reaction to a shot he got a couple days ago) so it's been a day of high fevers and vomit.

I'm goint to omit posting any related pictures because ew.

I decided it was important I get on my mat for a few minutes, especially since I missed two days already in this challenge (albeit for good reason). I kept my practice simple and did three sun salutaitons (at night as usual) followed by a few of my other favorites: cat and cow, squat, pigeon, etc. I noticed in pigeon tonight that I was able to bend my back a bit more. I'm starting to see a little bit of the back wall so I'm figuring that it's only a matter of time before I can kick myself in the head like I want.

This post isn't terribly in depth tonight but honestly, neither was my practice. I still consider it a success for getting on my mat though, some days are just going to be more productive than others.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 66: Proceed with Caution

Despite its crinkling tendencies from yesterday, I was surprised to find my shoulder didn't hurt at all like I expected. All the same, I decided to only focus on poses that didn't put any pressure on my shoulder. My only exceptions were cat and cow pose but as I was on all fours, my knees and my other shoulder took a lot of pressure off my Edelman shoulder.

Do you know what happens if you don't bend the brim of your hat?
The terrorists win.

I could have done more standing poses like the warriors or triangle pose but as I once again did my yoga practice before bed, I decided to focus on mostly seated poses. I also did a few poses to stretch out my side body which I apparently really need as my sides were horrendously tight.

I seem to say that a lot.

So far so good with the shoulder . . . maybe tomorrow I'll actually feel confident enough to put some pressure on my shoulder in downward facing dog or something.

Maybe not.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 65: Joints Aren't Supposed to Crinkle . . . Right?

This post is going to be short like my practice tonight. Things were going well and I was stretching out all the kinks in my back. Then, I transitioned from downward facing dog back to plank. All was fine until I lowered myself to the ground. My Edelman shoulder made a horrible noise, like crinkling plastic.

That's right, everything is your fault.
It didn't exactly hurt, per se, but it now feels weird. I finished up my practice after that with a couple poses that didn't involve putting any pressure on my shoulder. Now, I'm typing this with a shoulder that feels off while I curse Julian Edelman because I literally don't know what else to do right now

Soooo . . . I guess I'll see how my shoulder feels in the morning? Joints aren't supposed to crinkle . . . right?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 64: Standing and Sadists

When I started my practice tonight, I actually spent some time in mountain pose. This shouldn't be a novel thing but I usually just blow past mountain pose because, well, come on--I'm just standing there.

                                                                Stop laughing, it's hard!

But tonight, I actually took the time to correct my posture, root my feet into the ground, and allow myself to be in mountain pose. I discovered two things about myself:

1) I need to slow down and appreciate the small moments because the simple poses can ultimately be the most beneficial.

2) I am apparently really bad at standing up straight.

Seriously, my posture is about as jacked up as my Edelman shoulder.

                                                             Everything is your fault.

After I realized I apparently suck at standing, I wanted to focus my practice on hip openers. I didd a lot of my usual poses like pigeon (duh) and cobbler's pose but I also did lizard's pose. I'm not sure if both readers of this blog remember, but I've incorporated lizard pose a few times in previous practices since starting this challenge. However, today was the first day that I was convinced that this pose was invented by sadists.

                                                                Very bendy sadists.

My hips were horrendously tight in that pose and it took all of my resolve not to pass out. It was almost as hard as standing.

I'm off to bed. My knee hurts and being vertical is apparently too difficult for me today.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 63: In My Head

Today has been a long and particularly stressful day and I didn't want to have to think during my practice tonight.

It's been a day.

I opted to just do several rounds of the A series but I took my time in some of the poses like cobra and downward facing dog. I then finished up my practice with a couple basics like cat and cow and of course I punished my knee in my quest towards king pigeon. Although I felt like my knee was better yesterday when I went on a walk, I re-aggravated it today so I'm back to where I was.

I'd say I'm at an 8 or a 9.
It's serious but not Lego serious.

I want to say that my mind feels a little clearer after doing yoga tonight but I'm honestly not sure. I think I'm so preoccupied with the events of the day that I wasn't really present on my mat tonight. Perhaps I need to start my practice with a short meditation just to give myself a buffer between the rest of my day and yoga. Or maybe I need to not spend so much time in my head in general.


And this.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 62: Another Day Off for a Very Good Reason

I have elected to skip my second day of yoga in this challenge because today my husband and I are celebrating that our son is officially one year post-heart transplant. It seems so surreal to me that one year ago I was in the middle of the hardest and worst night of my life. I hadn't even been able to hold my five-day-old son and he was taken away to have his heart replaced. Even now as I think about it, the tears well up in my eyes.

But today, we got to spend the day with our son at home. Aside from the scar on his chest, he looks like a normal baby. Sure, he's a little skinny as a result of all his medical issues, but we spent the day playing and laughing with him. I have elected to skip my second day of yoga during this challenge because I chose instead to spend the day with my amazing hero of a kid.

I wasn't completely lazy though--the weather has been beautiful here so our little family of three got outside for a walk. I'm overwhelmed by how blessed I feel to have had this day with my son.

I also just realized that my knee didn't hurt at all while we were out for our walk--perhaps tomorrow's yoga practice will have a lot less wincing in pain and internal screaming.

If anyone is interested in reading more about my son's journey with a heart transplant, please visit .

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 61: Mental Fog

I was a little more present in my practice tonight but not by much. I didn't really push myself to deviate from my usual poses but I still feel like I was able to really loosen up my back. I always spend a lot of time hunched over my computer and my muscles felt particularly tight tonight.

Yoga seemed like the more responsible option.

I did my usual A series warmup and spent a little extra time doing plank and downward facing dog. I also spent some time in pigeon trying to work towards king pigeon. I closed with a few more hip openers like stacked logs and cobbler's pose.

My back is loose but my brain is jumbled. I wish I had more mental clarity but that seems impossible at the moment.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 60: Oh Hey, Another Milestone

I didn't realize until I opened up my blog to write this post that at 60 days, I am at another milestone.

I know you're all very impressed.

Here's where I'm at:


  • My right knee is wrecked but it might be starting to get better.
  • I'm slightly bendier. Theoretically I'm actually getting closer to kicking myself in the head in king pigeon.
  • I feel all the things. I'm not sure if I like this or not.
  • My brain is really scattered but that might be circumstantial today.
I'm very worried about a friend of mine. Out of respect for her privacy I don't want to share any details but I can't focus tonight. I tried to set a positive intention at the start of my practice but my heart hurts so much for my friend. I know I did yoga tonight but I barely remember what poses I even did. I don't even have it in me to make fun of Julian Edelman today.

And between the parade in Boston and Tinder, there's a lot I could make fun of.

To those reading this, whoever you are, please offer up a prayer or some good thoughts for my friend. She could really use them.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 59: Saluting the Moon

I managed to do my practice earlier in the evening and for once, I decided to do yoga that was appropriate for the time of day.

For once, no sun salutations at night!

On YogaGlo, I found a video from my new favorite teacher, Kathryn Budig. She has a 15 minute video featuring a moon salutation flow. Here's a photo that's kind of close to what I did:

It's not an exact representation but it's close enough.

I learned a few things while doing this practice:

1) My knees still hurt like a bitch.
2) My knees hurt less when they've had time to warm up. That, or it's like the calm before the storm and my knees are just going to explode.


3) All of my joints pop like bubble wrap.

Rather than feel invigorated after my practice, I really did feel more relaxed and ready for bed. Clearly, there's something to doing the appropriate yoga at different times of the day. Who knew?

Oh, right--everyone.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 58: No More Procrastinating!

Today I actually stopped slacking off and did a video from YogaGlo ("Start the Day Right" by Kathryn Budig). It's true a did a morning video at 9:30pm but I really like this instructor and I figured this one wouldn't necessarily be too intensive and knock me out of commission like the last one did.

I can just barely touch the floor again.

I was able to do this one well, including the little extra stretches, so I felt like a BAMF . . . until I got to warrior 3.

You son of a bitch.
Not you this time, Edelman.

Since my knee is still pretty useless and my balance is almost nonexistent, I nearly fell over immediately. Luckily I caught myself, especially since I was doing yoga next to my desk. I have a feeling that the solid wood wouldn't be very forgiving on my head.

I also noticed that it was kind of difficult for me to take in deep breaths during my practice which is a little concerning. I don't have any respiratory issues like asthma but my inability to breathe properly is a little alarming since breathing is kind of important.

This is a nice little practice, I'd definitely do it again. Maybe next time I'll actually do it in the morning.

Probably not.

I know what my morning looks like.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 57: Best. Birthday. EVER.

This is going to be a very short post just to say that I took the day off. My original plan was to do yoga every day for a year but today was a really special day: my son's first birthday!

The first birthday is a big milestone for any parent but today felt extra special. Not because we think we're special, but because while I was pregnant, my son was diagnosed with a very rare and randomly occurring congenital heart defect. We were told he might not survive the pregnancy and if he did, he'd need a heart transplant. Long story short, he survived and received his transplant when he was only five days old. There were times we weren't sure he'd ever see his first birthday so to be able to celebrate with him today felt nothing short of miraculous.

I took the day off from work, yoga, and everything in between so I could spend all day with him. This is by far the best birthday celebration I've ever had the privilege to be a part of and I'm just so grateful he's here.

If anyone is interested in reading more about my son's story, you can read more at

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 56: Back to Basics

Well, as predicted, I didn't get around to doing a yoga video today.

I know, right?

My knee still feels like death so I decided to focus my practice on downward facing dog and plank pose. I feel like sometimes I get so caught up in trying to achieve king pigeon (my knee still really hurt doing that tonight, by the way) that I lose focus of the basic poses and their importance. I feel like I said this the other day but tonight I really focused on those two basics. In doing that, I discovered two things:

1. My heels are almost able to touch the floor in downward facing dog.
2. If I lower myself to the floor from plank pose, I apparently have zero arm strength.

Just to emphasize what a weakling I am, here's another picture for emphasis:

I also spent a lot of time in cobbler's pose because that one I can actually do without whimpering . . . which is sort of turning into a theme for my yoga practice.

My first world problems are hard.

On a completely unrelated note, did anyone else see the Disneyland commercial featuring Julian Edelman? I think it was supposed to feature all of the Patriots after their Super Bowl win so that people will stop associating Disneyland with measles. Instead, it turned into a montage of Edelman's greatest plays from the Super Bowl.

I'm keeping you in my fantasy league, Edelman. I swear to God, if you give yourself a concussion on the teacup ride, I WILL FIND YOU.